Sanilac County Community Mental Health
Sanilac County Community Mental Health (Sanilac CMH) is the county level public mental health agency for Sanilac County residents. Sanilac CMH serves as the mental health 'safety net' for residents affected by serious forms of mental illness and developmental/intellectual disabilities who are covered by Medicaid, Healthy Michigan Plan and the Autism Benefit, as well as individuals who are uninsured.
Sanilac CMH provides public services to individuals recovering from or living with:
- serious mental illnesses
- serious emotional disturbances (children)
- developmental disabilities
- this includes individuals who may also be diagnosed with co-occurring substance or dependence disorder
Sanilac CMH is partner in a four county regional network with Genesee, Lapeer and St. Clair counties, called Region 10. The regional network is managed by the Region 10 Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan (PIHP). The PIHP also serves as the regional Substance Abuse Services Coordinating Agency (CA) for the same four county area agencies.
Call Access Center
Phone Number888-225-4447 if you are experiencing symptoms of mental illness
Call Our Main Line
Phone Number810-648-0330 to make or cancel an appointment
Need Help Now?
If you have a mental health emergency, please call the Crisis Line at 810.648.0330. You can also call the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 9-8-8.
These numbers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
No one will be denied access to services due to inability to pay and there is a discounted/sliding fee schedule available based o family size and income.
Thank you!
Michigan Medicaid Beneficiaries
- Please make sure that your address, phone number and email address are up to date at You can also call your local MDHHS office. If you do not have an online account for MI Bridges to access your Medicaid case or report changes, visit to sign up for an online account. You can also locate organizations that help you by searching for community partners.
- Remember to report any changes to your household income. You can report changes at or by calling your local MDHHS office.
- If you receive a renewal packet in the mail, be sure to fill it out, sign the forms and return it by the due date with any documentation/proof needed. NOTE: If you do not complete and return your renewal packet, you may lose Medicaid coverage.
Sanilac County Community Mental Health Authority is seeking sealed bid proposals from interested and qualified parties to provide skill building, community living supports, and respite services.

Services OfferedMental Health Care Services
In addition to traditional behavioral healthcare services (like counseling and psychiatric care), we offer a wide array of services to meet the health care needs of Sanilac County residents.

Anti-StigmaYou make a difference
We are proud to be involved in local and regional efforts to combat the stigma that is too often associated with mental health and developmental disorders. Join us in making a difference.

First-AidLearn Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health First Aid is an in-person training that teaches you how to help people developing a mental illness or in a crisis. View our schedule for upcoming Mental Health First Aid trainings.