Administrative |
| Administration |
| | BA001 | By-Laws of Sanilac County Community Mental Health Authority Board | 08/20/2024 |
| | BA003 | Administrative Manual (For the By-Laws) of Sanilac County Community Mental Health | 08/20/2024 |
| | BA008 | Agency Leadership/Conflict of Interest | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA014 | Organization and Legal Requirements | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA015 | Individuals Per Diem Policy | 04/18/2024 |
| | BA017 | Creation and Distribution of Agency Policies, Procedures and Forms | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA021 | Code of Ethics | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA022 | Retention of Memos, Emails, and Correspondence | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA036 | Community Benefit | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA037 | Policy On Input From Those Served | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA051 | Chain of Command and Open Door Policy | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA052 | Agency Donations | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA053 | Speaking to the Media Policy | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA079 | Freedom of Information (FOIA) Act | 04/18/2024 |
| | BA136 | Use of CMH Facilities and Facility Equipment | 05/28/2024 |
| | BA139 | Animals In Agency Facilities | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA165 | Duty to Warn | 02/20/2025 |
| | BA169 | Executive Leadership Backup Coverage and Succession Strategy | 10/17/2024 |
| | BA170 | Surveillance (Recorded/Non-Recorded) Policy | 04/18/2024 |
| | BA175 | Efficient Work Policy | 01/16/2025 |
| | BC003 | Violent Situation Crisis Response Team | 04/18/2024 |
| | BC007 | Visitor Policy | 06/20/2024 |
| Billing |
| | BA020 | Ability to Pay (ATP) Policy | 02/20/2025 |
| Corporate Compliance |
| | BA032 | Corporate Compliance Program | 12/12/2024 |
| Data Management |
| | BA004 | Medical Record Policy | 08/15/2024 |
| | BA009 | Microfilming and Scanning Policy | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA023 | Safeguarding Records of Individuals Served | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA035 | Data Evaluation and Monitoring | 06/20/2024 |
| | BA040 | Grievances, Appeals and Second Opinions | 02/20/2025 |
| | BA046 | Approved Leave of Absence for Residential Settings | 05/28/2024 |
| | BA115 | Root Cause Analysis | 02/20/2025 |
| | BA137 | Psychiatrist Peer Review | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA141 | Utilization Management Program | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA153 | HIPAA Breach Notification | 01/16/2025 |
| Finance |
| | BA054 | Cash Management & Cost Sharing Policy | 08/15/2024 |
| | BA055 | Cash Receipts Policy | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA056 | Wages and Salaries Policy | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA057 | Payroll Timekeeping Policy | 08/15/2024 |
| | BA058 | Equipment Policy | 08/15/2024 |
| | BA059 | Authorization of Purchases | 08/15/2024 |
| | BA060 | Financial Planning and Management | 05/28/2024 |
| | BA061 | Fund Balance Policy | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA062 | Investments | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA078 | Risk Management | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA080 | Procurement and Bid Policy | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA083 | Charitable Donations Policy | 05/28/2024 |
| | BA084 | Petty Cash Policy | 10/17/2024 |
| | BA143 | Credit Card Policy | 08/15/2024 |
| | BA171 | Commercial Insurance Billing Policy | 08/15/2024 |
| | BA172 | Federal Program Income & Expenditures | 08/15/2024 |
| Human Resources |
| | BA025 | Inclement Weather and Snow Day Policy | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA028 | Credentialing and Privileging | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA044 | Employee Conduct and Discipline Policy | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA063 | Training and Attendance Requests | 08/15/2024 |
| | BA064 | Dress Code - Personal Appearance of Employees | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA065 | Communication - Interpreters and Translators | 10/17/2024 |
| | BA086 | Identification Badges for Staff and Visitors | 04/18/2024 |
| | BA088 | Personnel Records and Procedure for Access | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA089 | Professional Liability Insurance | 10/17/2024 |
| | BA090 | Volunteers | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA091 | Employee Supervision | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA092 | Prohibiting Harassment & Discrimination | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA094 | Work Hours, Break Periods, Timesheets and Call-Ins | 08/15/2024 |
| | BA098 | Job Inquiries and References | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA099 | Job Descriptions | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA100 | Workers' Compensation Benefits | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA102 | Cultural Competency and Diversity | 10/17/2024 |
| | BA105 | Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) | 08/15/2024 |
| | BA106 | Equal Opportunity Employment and Nepotism | 08/15/2024 |
| | BA107 | ADA Policy | 08/15/2024 |
| | BA109 | Employment Agreements | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA110 | Outside Employment | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA111 | Performance Evaluations | 08/15/2024 |
| | BA135 | Travel, Mileage, Meal Reimbursement and Vehicle Processes | 08/15/2024 |
| | BA146 | Use of Time Off Accruals, Holiday Pay and Bereavement | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA147 | Probationary/Training Period | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA151 | Infectious/Communicable Disease Control Policy | 10/17/2024 |
| | BA152 | Alternative Work Schedules: Flexible Work Schedules/Remote Work | 10/17/2024 |
| | BA154 | Affordable Care Act/Medical Benefits | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA155 | Agency Goals and Employee Expectations | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA156 | Flextime Due to Weekly Modifications and Additional Hours | 08/15/2024 |
| | BA158 | Social Security Numbers - Privacy and Release | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA159 | Substitute Staff Utilization | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA160 | Tuberculosis (TB)/Hepatitis B (Hep B) | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA161 | New Hires and Employee Job Requirements | 05/28/2024 |
| | BA162 | Separation from Employment | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA163 | Weapons and Substances on Agency Premises | 08/15/2024 |
| | BA164 | Student Loan Repayment and Tuition Reimbursement Program | 05/28/2024 |
| | BA167 | Internships | 02/20/2025 |
| | BA173 | Job Shadow Opportunities/Externships | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA174 | Reimbursement for Professional Licensing, Certifications, and Exams | 10/17/2024 |
| Information Technology |
| | BA013 | IT Security Policy | 10/17/2024 |
| | BA019 | Computer Data Backup | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA038 | Acceptable Use Policy | 06/20/2024 |
| | BA070 | Communications Policy | 10/17/2024 |
| | BA138 | Social Media Policy | 04/18/2024 |
| | BA168 | Communication Technologies | 08/15/2024 |
| Provider Management |
| | BA018 | Model Payments System - Title XIX Medicaid | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA031 | Provider Rate Development | 02/20/2025 |
| | BA039 | Ensuring Best Value When Purchasing Services | 02/20/2025 |
| | BA045 | Network Management and Monitoring Plan | 05/28/2024 |
| | BA047 | Leases for Specialized Residential Facilities | 06/20/2024 |
| | BA049 | Contract Provider Sanction Policy | 12/12/2024 |
| | BA050 | Contract Management | 08/15/2024 |
| | BA148 | Network Provider Cash Advance Policy | 04/18/2024 |
| | BA166 | Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Provisional Approval Process | 08/15/2024 |
| Recipient Rights |
| | RR002 | Sterilization, Abortion, Contraception | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR003 | Fingerprinting, Photographing, Audio-Recording and Use of One-Way Glass | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR004 | Individuals Receiving Services - Abuse and Neglect | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR005 | Confidentiality and Disclosure of Information | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR006 | Recipient Rights System | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR010 | Comprehensive Examination | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR012 | Critical Incidents, Sentinel Events and Risk Events | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR013 | Personal Property and Funds | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR014 | Resident Labor | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR015 | Freedom of Movement | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR016 | Communication, Telephone, Mail, Visits | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR017 | Restraint, Seclusion & Physical Management | 10/17/2024 |
| | RR026 | Individual Rights and Responsibilities | 10/17/2024 |
| | RR030 | Informed Consent | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR032 | Right to Access Entertainment Material, Information and News | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR035 | Appeal Process | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR037 | Change in Type of Treatment | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR040 | Privacy and Human Dignity | 10/17/2024 |
| | RR041 | Least Restrictive Treatment | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR042 | Recipient Rights Officer Qualifications and Training | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR044 | Services Suited to Condition | 10/17/2024 |
| | RR045 | Treatment by Spiritual Means | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR046 | Recipient Rights Per Diem Policy | 02/20/2025 |
| | RR047 | Death Reports for Active Cases | 10/17/2024 |
| Safety and Health |
| | BA006 | Emergency Policies Handbook | 04/01/2024 |
| | BA016 | Accessibility Plan | 01/08/2025 |
| | BA144 | Wellness Policy | 05/28/2024 |
| | BA149 | State of Emergency | 04/18/2024 |
Clinical |
| Services |
| | BA042 | Supported Independent Living | 06/20/2024 |
| | BA043 | Behavior Management Guidelines | 01/16/2025 |
| | BA142 | Trauma-Informed Culture and Secondary Traumatic Stress Protocol | 02/20/2025 |
| | BA150 | Illness Protocol for Community-Based Programs | 08/15/2024 |
| | BC001 | ACT/IDDT Program Guidelines | 01/08/2025 |
| | BC004 | Wait List Policy | 10/17/2024 |
| | BC006 | Access to Crisis Services | 08/15/2024 |
| | BC008 | Care Coordination | 12/12/2024 |
| | BC011 | Court Ordered Treatment (Including Involuntary Hospitalization) | 10/17/2024 |
| | BC012 | Care Management | 11/06/2024 |
| | BC013 | Advance Directives for Mental Health Services | 01/08/2025 |
| | BC014 | Self Determination Policy | 10/17/2024 |
| | BC015 | Respite Services | 02/20/2025 |
| | BC022 | Orientation of Individuals Served | 04/18/2024 |
| | BC029 | Person-Centered and Family- Centered Planning Process/IPOS Development | 01/16/2025 |
| | BC042 | Assessment | 04/18/2024 |
| | BC043 | Release of Information in Substance Use Programs | 06/20/2024 |
| | BC044 | Ensuring the Rights of Individuals in Substance Use Programs | 08/15/2024 |
| | BC064 | Emergency Medical Services | 01/08/2025 |
| | BC141 | Medicaid Benefit for Autism | 01/08/2025 |
| | BC142 | Clinical Practice Guidelines | 08/15/2024 |
| | BC143 | Clinical Protocol for Co-Occurring Intervention | 06/20/2024 |
| | BC144 | Locus Implementation and Training | 08/15/2024 |
| | BC145 | SED (Serious Emotional Disturbance) Waiver Services | 12/12/2024 |
| | BC147 | Ordered Treatment Adherence/Recidivism Prevention Policy | 08/15/2024 |
| | BC148 | Access To Services | 08/07/2024 |
| | BC149 | Clinical Documentation Guidelines | 08/15/2024 |
| | BC164 | Habilitation Supports Waiver | 12/12/2024 |
| Medical |
| | BC005 | Psychiatric Management Only | 06/20/2024 |
| | BC018 | Tardive Dyskinesia and AIMS Testing | 05/28/2024 |
| | BC023 | Psychotropic Medication | 08/07/2024 |
| | BC081 | Medication Administration, Storage & Disposal in Specialized Residence | 12/12/2024 |
| Skill Building |
| | BA069 | Industrial Product/Service Quality | 04/18/2024 |
| | BC020 | Release from Skill Building Programs | 08/15/2024 |
| | BC071 | Direct Program Medication Administration | 12/12/2024 |